Ten Thousand, the epitome of luxury living nestled in the heart of Los Angeles. This lavish skyscraper offers residents the perks of leasing within a thoughtfully programmed living environment. With signature views from the Hollywood Hills to the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles’ premier destinations are at your doorstep. This property uniquely couples technology with luxury to attract a breed of “Elite Luxury” rentals. In
A Harmony of Design, Style and Unique Amenities Await Guests at the New Boutique Hotel La Peer Hotel has officially opened its doors, ushering in a new era of luxury for West Hollywood’s bustling Design District. The boutique Kimpton hotel is an intimate oasis perfectly positioned between the famed streets of Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose Avenue. Reflecting the surrounding neighborhood’s emphasis on design, art,
The Military Veterans Commerce Committee (MVCC) is a Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce committee that comprises honorable military veterans who contribute to welfare of the City of Beverly Hills and the surrounding area. The Chamber appreciates their service to our country and values the military veteran-friendly businesses that they proudly own. We strive to share that value with the Beverly Hills community through